HIV Testing
Getting a HIV test is one of the best ways to make 100% sure you are HIV-free! Getting the test is easy, confidential, and in many cases can also be free. Your options to [...]
Getting a HIV test is one of the best ways to make 100% sure you are HIV-free! Getting the test is easy, confidential, and in many cases can also be free. Your options to [...]
Coronavirus (COVID-19) hasn’t been a slow time for me. I’ve been busier than I’ve ever been; both at work and in my personal life.
Post exposure prophylaxis (PEP) and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) are two common ways to prevent HIV transmission. PEP and PrEP are similar because they are both bio-pharmaceutical (medicine-based) interventions, with some important differences. 'Prophylaxis' means [...]
In this section of our website, you will find information about HIV, including some resources about accessing HIV medications and take greater control in your life with HIV. You’ll also find links to information [...]
I have been living with HIV for over 22 years, five of which I was unaware I was positive.
Ditching the condoms risks more than pregnancy. What do you know about sexually transmitted infections (STIs)?
What does consent mean? Is consent always an enthusiastic ‘yes’, or is it sometimes the absence of a ‘no’?
What can we do in a time of emerging global antibiotic resistance?
While Ted navigates the boundaries of labels, sex and identity, being sexually adventurous with his HIV-different partners and fuck buddies doesn’t slow Ted down in any way. Ted - HIV Difference? Coming [...]
This story is about someone who knows himself well enough to accept others for who they are, and is prepared for the best sex possible. Dan - HIV Difference? Preparing himself Dan [...]