Positive Life Board Directors govern the agency and their primary role is to set and monitor the organisation’s strategic direction and budget. They also work as advocates on HIV policy and this includes issues from discrimination and housing to treatment access and hospital care. This often unseen work has had great impact on the lives of all people living with HIV in NSW.
- Directors: Stephen Lunny (President), Philip Quirk (Vice-President), New Chaimongkol (Treasurer), Greg Horn (Secretary), Melissa Carolus, Gareth Graham, Frances Parker, Philippe Smets and Sebastian Zagarella
- Ex Officio: Jane Costello (Chief Executive Officer)
- Ex Officio: Andrew Heslop (Staff representative)
If you would like to contact the Board, please telephone (02) 8357 8386, 1800 245 677 (freecall) or email contact@positivelife.org.au
There are a number of documents that support the governance of the agency. To download a copy of any of these documents, please click the links below.
About Positive Life NSW
2024 Agency Brochure
30 years of people living with HIV in NSW (Archiving and Cataloguing Working Group members: Peter Schlosser, Garry Wotherspoon, Fabian Loschavio, Lance Feeney, Bill Whitaker, John Robinson, Lloyd Grosse, Ross Duffin, David Urquhart, John Rule, Julie Bates, and Jill Sergeant, 2018/19)
Making a difference: A History of Positive Life NSW (Garry Wotherspoon, 2009)
Positive Life Membership
Positive Life NSW Membership Form (print, complete and return by post to Positive Life)
If you cannot download or print the form please call the office on (02) 8357 8386 or 1800 245 677 (freecall) to get a Membership Form posted out to you or- Complete the Positive Life NSW Membership Form online
Positive Life Constitution
Positive Life NSW Constitution : Provides the structure for how our incorporated association operates.
Positive Life Strategic Plan
Positive Life 2021-2025 Strategic Plan : Identifies four main areas of work informed by our goals as an organisation and our alignment and role in the
NSW HIV Strategy 2021-2025.
Positive Life Annual Reports
Positive Life Annual Report 2023-2024: A yearly reporting of our activities
including ourPositive Life 2023-2024 – Audited Financial Report
- Older Annual Reports