Positive Pathways – September 2024
Positive Pathways is for all people living with HIV across NSW over 60 years of age. | September 2024
Positive Pathways is for all people living with HIV across NSW over 60 years of age. | September 2024
Community elder, Tim Alderman says the long-term survival journey is one where it is easy to get lost along the way.
Community elder, Tim Alderman shares his experience of disability and living with HIV longer term.
Some small ways to reduce HIV-related inflammatory response and the risk of long term damage.
Tips and suggestions to reduce the impacts of ageing with HIV
Kirby Institute, UNSW Sydney; Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Victoria; Positive Life NSW The Age-Related Clonal Haematopoiesis in an HIV Evaluation (ARCHIVE) study looks at genomic factors associated with ageing and the development of comorbidities [...]
Now that I am a ‘senior’, my toiletries bag now rattles when I go overseas, with bottles of this and that and the other.
Community report about about the NSW-specific findings from the first national Australian consultation, which canvassed the use and acceptability of aged care services by Australian people living with HIV.
The life expectancy of Australians living with HIV has been steadily increasing and is approaching that of the general population. As more of us living with HIV in NSW deal with the changes and [...]
Positive Life's Ageing Support program is available to people 45+ living with HIV.