Positive Speakers Bureau

17 September 2018

On being Trans and Poz

By |2024-01-01T17:17:24+11:0017 September 2018|Categories: Mental Health, Positive Speakers Bureau|Tags: , , , , |0 Comments

The ice breaker I like to use is, ‘I’m Trans, over 50 and Poz; not a winning trifecta in the relationship market place.’

15 December 2017

Our changing conversations – the PSB two decades on

By |2024-01-28T12:01:49+11:0015 December 2017|Categories: Opinion, Positive Speakers Bureau, Talkabout|Tags: , , , |Comments Off on Our changing conversations – the PSB two decades on

As a Positive Speakers Bureau speaker of 21 years for Positive Life NSW, I have been privileged to hear stories and see lives transform.

15 February 2015

What it means to be a Transwoman living with HIV

By |2024-01-27T09:29:49+11:0015 February 2015|Categories: Health, Positive Speakers Bureau, Talkabout|Tags: , , |0 Comments

Today, 1 December, diverse cultures from around the world will come together for World AIDS Day to show their support for people living with HIV and to commemorate people who have died.

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