Peer and Vocational Support Officer

Billy has a background in HR and engineering and has worked across the agriculture, health and hospitality sectors in Australia since 2018.

As the Employment and Vocational Support Officer for Positive Life (September 2022), Billy is responsible for support and advocacy for all people living with HIV in metropolitan and regional NSW to access, achieve and maintain study, training, paid (casual, part-time or full-time) or voluntary work options.

As a peer worker Billy brings a strong commitment to social justice, and believes in the inherent right to self-determination of all people. He speaks Indonesian fluently as well as the Hokkien (Minnanyu) Chinese dialect, and he is currently learning Thai. He holds a Bachelor of Engineering and currently completing a Diploma in Community Services.


Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Support
housing support for people living with HIV
Ageing Support
Treatments and Managing your HIV