
Below you will find more details about booking a PSB speaker, types and styles of talks, fees and charges, and making a booking.

Content and Timing of Talks

Bookings can be single speaker or dual speakers (a man and woman living with HIV). Given the experience of a woman with HIV can be quite different to the experience of a HIV positive man, two speakers are often particularly useful for audiences especially in the case of schools or other educational venues.

Speakers can present from 10 minutes to an hour and can be negotiated with the PSB Coordinator in advance of the presentation.  Schools and groups usually split the audience into smaller groups and engage more than one speaker. For larger groups, this is beneficial for both the audience and the speaker as a smaller group can mean participants are more comfortable asking questions. Speakers usually allow enough time for questions at the end of their talk.

Fees and Charges

Positive Life NSW has a sliding fee schedule to ensure all clients have access to our positive speakers. This fee covers

  • our speakers’ time,
  • a small travel allowance to cover their costs and
  • a booking fee.

Once a booking is registered through the online booking form, the Coordinator will begin sourcing the availability of a PSB speaker to deliver your session.

We are dedicated to ensuring that as many people can benefit from our speakers as possible. If financial constraints would limit your access to the service, please contact the PSB Coordinator to discuss your circumstances on (02) 8357-8386 or


One week’s notice is required for cancellations, otherwise the booking fee is forfeited.

To Book a PSB Speaker

  1. Please complete our online booking form.
  2. This will be sent directly to the Positive Speakers Bureau Coordinator who source a speaker/s for your session.
  3. Once a speaker is sourced and assigned to your booking, you will receive a confirmation email which includes a quote, along with any details you need about the speaker as well their contact phone number so you can make any final arrangements directly with them.
  4. The speaker will contact you before the presentation to introduce themselves and discuss content of the presentation, any special requirements or take any particular instructions you may have for them.
  5. The speaker attends your venue on the day and delivers the presentation.
  6. Positive Life NSW will email an invoice after the booking has been completed.