vaccine eligibility checker button

To find where you can get a vaccine,
visit the Vaccine clinic finder.

All people living with HIV are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine.  You can now make a booking for a COVID-19 vaccination via the online Vaccine clinic finder service, or you can also contact your General Practitioner (GP) directly to explore your options for getting a vaccination.

Vaccine Booking Service

The COVID-19 Vaccine clinic finder, operated by Healthdirect Australia on behalf of the Department of Health provides a ‘one front door’ where you can find out where to get a COVID-19 vaccine. You will be offered details for local clinics offering COVID-19 vaccine appointments, based on the postcode you enter and you’ll be able to contact the clinic of your choice directly to make a booking to get your COVID-19 vaccination.

Step 1

Visit the Healthdirect Vaccine clinic finder and complete the questions on the interactive checklist.

The final message will be ‘Make a booking

Step 2

To find COVID-19 Vaccination Clinics near you, enter your postcode or town into the dialog box and click ‘search’.

You will be provided with a number of different clinics offering the COVID-19 vaccine, including address and contact details. Call the clinic of your choice directly to book a time and ensure they have sufficient quantities of the vaccine in stock. Some clinics might have a waiting list of up to 30 days, while other clinics have little to no waiting list.

While you are waiting to receive the COVID-19 vaccine, please review the information at this Healthdirect webpage. Positive Life NSW recommends that you take the time read over that information before you receive a COVID-19 vaccine.

Positive Life NSW and the COVID-19 vaccine rollout

Positive Life NSW is committed to supporting all people living with HIV in NSW through the COVID-19 vaccine rollout, with relevant and evidence-based information.

We are also available to support you to access the COVID-19 vaccine and explore your options around eligibility, disclosure or clinic availability. If you have any concerns about the COVID-19 vaccines, or experience any barriers accessing a COVID-19 vaccine please call us on (02) 8357 8386, 1800 245 677 (freecall outside metro) or email

Who can I contact for more information?

The National Coronavirus and COVID-19 Vaccine Helpline is a reliable resource for all people who have questions about COVID-19 or the vaccine rollout. You will have the option of providing some extra details to the Hotline. The minimum amount of information you need to provide is your postcode. The Hotline can also provide you with answers via text.

National Coronavirus and COVID-19 Vaccine Helpline: 1800 020 080

If you prefer not to provide any extra details, that’s your choice. The Helpline will allow you to remain completely anonymous.

You can also click here to ask the Australian Government about the COVID-19 vaccine directly. You will need to leave an email address to receive a response.

COVID-19 Vaccine FAQs – Positive Life NSW

Due to HIV antiretroviral treatment, the majority of people living with HIV are not immunocompromised, unless we’re taking immunosuppressive therapy (e.g. for a kidney, lung or liver transplant) or other cancer treatments, not taking HIV antiretroviral medication or have a CD4 count below 200 cells/mL. – Positive Life NSW

How to get proof of your COVID-19 vaccinations – Services Australia

Page update: Monday 11 September 2023