2022 e1647586313502

In 2022, we say ‘Let’s leave no one behind!’

As HIV affects more communities than ever, let’s leave no one behind.

The HIV pandemic is not over. HIV is moving into the margins and affecting many communities, including people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds, heterosexual people, people born overseas, people from diverse genders and sexualities, and women of all ages. It’s time to talk about HIV in all communities, dispel myths, confront ignorance and misinformation about HIV together, so we leave no one behind.

Using Treatment as Prevention, means we leave no one behind.

When newly diagnosed people access HIV treatment as soon as possible, we can’t pass it on. Early treatment also improves our health outcomes and quality of life, and reduces our risk of long term health issues. Let’s encourage all people living with HIV to use treatment as prevention and leave no one behind.

Let’s make HIV testing easier for everyone, and leave no one behind.

With 90% of people who are living with HIV in NSW diagnosed, let’s strengthen the awareness of HIV testing and treatment. Anyone who is sexually active can contract a sexually transmitted infection (STI), including HIV. STI testing in NSW is free, anonymous, confidential, and safe. About 10% of people live with HIV for many years without knowing they have HIV. Whether it’s fear of finding out or they just haven’t had a test, when testing and treatment is delayed, HIV can severely damage the immune system and person can develop advanced HIV disease (AIDS). It’s time we offer HIV testing to everyone to ensure that no one is left behind.

Speak out about HIV stigma and discrimination, so we leave no one behind.

Whether we’re living with HIV or affected by HIV, it’s time to shine a light on HIV stigma and discrimination. Jokes about AIDS, or comments about ‘being clean’ are signs of HIV stigma and discrimination, as well as discriminatory assumptions about who is at risk of HIV. We normalise HIV when we remove the barriers to HIV testing, prevention or treatment. Eliminating HIV stigma and discrimination means everyone can make informed choices about their health and no one is left behind

To support this messaging in 2022, you can download the ‘Let’s leave no one behind’ brochure as an A4 page or a flyer.

For printed copies for your workshop participants, clients, members or community, please get in touch with our Communications Manager on (02) 8357 8386, 1800 245 677 (freecall) or email contact@positivelife.org.au

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Support
housing support for people living with HIV
Ageing Support
Treatments and Managing your HIV