2016 strategic plan

In 2016, Positive Life NSW undertook a consultation with people living with HIV, HIV sector partners who work closely with Positive Life, to identify priority and strategic issues, strengths and gaps as we developed a new four year Positive Life Strategic Plan (2016–2020). 

The overlapping issues were primarily in the domains of: social interaction support and engagement, stigma and discrimination, support for people living with HIV who are ageing, advocacy and education, and community awareness raising of HIV. Additionally, gaps were identified by people living with HIV and HIV response partners in relation to Positive Life’s engagement with minority groups of people living with HIV including:

  1. outer-metro and regional and rural people living with HIV,
  2. heterosexuals living with HIV,
  3. newly diagnosed people and younger people living with HIV, and
  4. people living with HIV who are ageing.

People living with HIV and HIV response partners also noted the need for Positive Life to improve communication and collaboration with other community NGO partners and reduce fragmentation between gay men, heterosexual and people living with HIV from CALD backgrounds and those who are younger/older or live in regional/rural NSW.

Community Report:pdf iconPositive Life Strategic Plan 2016–2020 Development Report

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Support
housing support for people living with HIV
Ageing Support
Treatments and Managing your HIV